Image of student at computer during virtual learning

Elementary School Schedule

Prekindergarten and Kindergarten

-Student devices will not be sent home.
-Students will receive one paper packet to complete for

each school day closure.
-Students must complete and return the completed

packet to be marked present for the instructional day.

Grades 1 - 5

  • Student Devices and chargers will be sent home when inclement weather is expected.

  • Students will participate in four hours of age-appropriate synchronous instruction from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

How to Access Instruction

  • Students must login into their device using their Clever badge or by entering their username and password.

  • Clever will deploy on all student devices.

  • Students must select their teachers assigned Google Classroom. Within Google Classroom, the link for Zoom will be embedded.

  • Students will click on the Zoom link to enter their assigned class.

Elementary Virtual Learning Schedule pdf(English)


Image of Horario de Aprendizaje Virtual de Primaria

Image of Orè Elemantè Virtuel Aprantisaj

Image of Cronograma de aprendizagem virtual elementar